In HIST3005, students will be asked to create a digital portfolio related to topics explored in the course. Using cuPortfolio (a digital platform that allows students to mount and exhibit their work), students will complete assignments and will be asked to share their work on cuPortfolio with other members of the class as well as provide helpful comments on their peers assignments (see peer feedback). If cuPortfolio is new to you, you are responsible for making time to ramp up, troubleshoot, and learn how to use it. Using cuPortfolio will require your patience, can-do attitude, and sense of adventure. Since you'll likely use it over the course of your years at Carleton, any work you put it into now will keep paying off.
To navigate directly to our cuPortfolio HIST3005 Group, enter this URL:
An introduction to using cuPortfolio will be provided initially by Marc Saurette. Additional (and better!) support is available from the Education and Development Centre. For more on cuPortfolio, see
For a quick guide to getting started, take a look at the next page (click below). An introductory module inlcuding a video introduction, produced by the university can be accessed here.
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