Student Profile

At the outset of class, you are asked to put together a profile of yourself to introduce you to others in class.

On cuPortfolio, you will write up a profile (with pictures and links!). Follow the instructions here on how to get started on cuPortfolio. I want all the students to put together a profile page which gives your fellow students a sense of who you are, why you took the course, how many cute animals you have, your social media id's (if you want) ... Here is a simple profile page I've put together for myself.

To get started on cuPortfolio, students copy a template collection to their portfolio and then share with the class.

In your profile, I want you to:

  1. Select a layout that works and doesn't look super ugly after you have added content. My sense of aesthetics will be pained if you retain the three column layout that cuPorftolio defaults to, but then cram your text only into one column. Beware my wrath.

  2. Include a picture of yourself. And figure out how to add a caption to it.

  3. Write up 500 words or so about yourself. It can be formal, it can be casual. It must use proper syntax.

  4. If you exist online elsewhere, you can draw attention to such things (if you want) by linking to your Etsy business, your Soundcloud (whatever that is) etc. You can integrate your twitter feed or your youtube channel.

The point of the assignment is that your classmates will get to know you and have a better sense of who you are. I ask you to include a photo of yourself (not just your adorable cats and ferrets) so that your classmates can learn to associate your name with a face. These "Student Profile" pages can only be viewed by the class not people outside (unless you actively choose to make it more widely visible).


5% of final grade.

If your profile meets the minimum requirements (as described above), you will receive a satisfactory (70%). If your profile shows real flair and hard work, it can be assessed as an excellent (100%).

If you submit late, or fail to meet the minimum requirements, you will receive an unsatisfactory (0%)

Last updated