
In the Winter term, we will work together to put together an exhibition of our work in the first term and the beginning of the second. The final five weeks of class are currently unstructured, to give us the time and opportunity to design a public-facing exhibition. The final class of the year is imagined as a launch party for the exhibition. Our "exhibition" can be physical, can be virtual, it can be a podcast or a youtube channel (or some or all of these).

Our exhibition can showcase all or some of the following:

  1. our descriptions (e.g. a catalogue) of (some of) Carleton's medieval folios

  2. our classroom exercises, where we will be working on reproducing how medieval scribes worked. The process and the products could be documented (photographically and in journal posts).

  3. our print copies (editions) of our folios (this process can be documented photographically and in journal posts).

  4. We will create digital versions of our folios (xml encoded to TEI standards).

Depending on how we jointly decide to proceed, we will establish different teams working on different aspects of the exhibition.

Over the course of the second term, we will brainstorm different components for a project proposal (i.e. the plan/ justification for an exhibition), which we will draft in an online google document. It may end up being the end goal, or this might form the basis of an exhibition we develop with CUAG or MacOdrum library.

Last updated