HCommons Profile
Humanities Commons
Humanities Commons will be a hub for our initial activities, your profiles acting as a repository for much of the information about each student as well as the place where students will be blogging about their work and ideas.
Visit here to sign up for a Humanities Commons profile.
After you have successfully registered and added content to your profile page (pretty pictures, description of yourself, your academic interests), search for the group "Medieval Book @ Carleton" (or go to the group's url) and click on the button in the header, "Join group".
Post a link to your profile on Teams in the channel, "Profile".
Check with me to make sure I add your profile to the Medieval Book blog.
Your HCommons profile is the first step in creating a public-facing digital presence (i.e something you can provide for grad school or job applications). If you have reservations about the public nature, please let me know in advance and we can make alternate arrangements.
Last updated
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