Why is there a FAQ, when there are not really any real questions here?
Well, we're actually hoping that when we get similar question from different students, it will help us identify what questions and topics need to be explained further. So, when we get questions from students that show problems with this guide or the class generally, we'll post the answers here as soon as we can muster a good response. So, I guess ... watch this space?
Why can't you just make up some questions in advance that you think will be helpful?
Alas, I am a bit distracted (and lacking time) at the moment by needing to look after my two kids, Gus and Arden, who unfortunately require a fair bit of attention from me now that schools are unexpectedly closed. The experience of (quasi)teaching at the elementary level is actually quite helpful, because trying to get a five- and a nine-year old to learn really requires that I break down concepts into small managable chunks. I hope that by the time I'll return to normal grownup students by September, I'll be able to present history's complexity simply .
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