Discussion Groups

On Friday afternoons from 13h00-14h00, Vanessa will hold optional discussion groups where whomever wants to can come online together and discuss aspects of the class.

You should sign up here to give Vanessa a sense of how many are coming. You can send her questions in advance in the "Discussion Groups" channel.

What might happen during discussion groups?

  • AMA's (Ask-Me-Anything) sessions where you ask Vanessa questions about the class, assignments, history, what it's like being a grad student or what she's currently researching

  • Assignment Help. You might spend the class completing the exercise that week if you didn't stick around on Tuesdays and want some extra help. Or you

  • Close reading. Read through primary sources together to decipher its significance and unlock their hidden meaning.

  • kill some time talking to your online classmates

And if you give Vanessa advance notice, she might be willing to do other things. This is the time for the students to structure so what you do is up to you!

Last updated