RTTP Speaking Rubric
The speech includes:
The speaker appears:
The speaker appears:
The speaker appears:
The speaker appears:
Intro-Body-Conclusion; transitions, and citations; a strong and clear thesis; all parts of the speech are consistent and coherent
Clearly well-prepared; not reliant on notes; makes effective use of eye contact.
Confident, passionate, and in command of her delivery; she captures her audience with her presentation.
In command of gesture, movement, and stillness; the speaker's physicality strengthens the message of the speech.
In control of volume, diction, pitch and rhythmic variation; avoids vocal pauses and filler words.
Nearly all of the required parts, but may lack transitions, a clear call to action, or incomplete citations.
Rehearsed and ready; relatively independent of notes; able to maintain eye contact with her audience.
Certain and earnest in her delivery. She relates issues directly to her audience, and they respond.
Reasonably deft in gesture, movement, and stillness, using her body to support her message.
Reasonably deft in using volume, diction, and pitch and rhythmic variation; vocal pauses and filler words are minimal.
Most required parts, but lacks clarity or wholeness; a weak or muddy thesis; vague information; sloppy citations.
Reasonably prepared; her use of notes doesn't prevent connection with her audience.
Adequate in her presention, but lacking conviction or passion. The speaker seems disengaged or merely "going through the motions."
Somewhat able to use gesture, movement, and stillness without distracting from the message of the speech.
Somewhat able to use volume, diction, pitch and rhythmic variation. Vocal pauses and filler words aren't overly distracting.
Fewer than half of the necessary parts; an insufficient thesis; irrelevant information; few citations
Under-prepared: uncertain, reliant on notes, or distracted; unable to maintain effective eye-contact.
Awkward or ill-at-ease with the audience, topic, or her own position.
Haphazard in utilizing gesture, movement, and stillness.
Haphazard in utilizing volume, diction, pitch and rhythmic variation effectively. Vocal pauses and filler words are frequent.
Little in the way of argument and/or basic logical structures that make it intelligible to the average listener
Clearly unprepared, avoids eye contact, and struggles throughout to deliver her message.
Clearly uncomfortable with herself and/or her subject; undermined by her self-presentation.
Out of control in utilizing gesture, movement, and stillness. Use of the body interferes with the message.
Out of control in utilizing volume, diction, pitch and rhythmic variation. Vocality interferes with understanding.
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