
Deadlines for the gameplay part of this course are firm by necessity, in order for play to proceed. Missing scheduled presentations or getting texts in late, will harm game play and the chances of your fellow team mates to win.

For the game design portion, moreover, timing is also of the essence. We have a series of tasks to get through and it is necessary for us to work together (in accordance with a preset schedule) so that we have tasks ready in an orderly fashion. Many students will depend on work done previously by others, so we have little margin for people to be late.

In years past, I begin the term outlining the dire consequences that arise from not handing something in at the assigned time (e.g. first maledictions, then drastic cuts to marks on a per diem basis). This year, we're going to try something different. I'm going to trust you and so we're working off the honour system.

If you do have to hand something in late for a valid reason, please let me know (in advance) if there are good reasons for why you can't get something in one time, and we can try to find possible solutions (see below, Extensions). Also most things you are expected to submit are drafts - which will be edited again by yourself and others so things don't always need to be "perfect".

During the Investiture Controversy Game, it is key that you present/publish your work as scheduled. If you don't (without a valid extension), your character will suffer in-game consequences which, in turn, will harm your faction.

Extensions and Accommodations

As far as I am concerned, you do not need to give me (Marc Saurette) a doctor's note or a self-declaration form. You can just let me know if problems or illnesses have arisen and we can discuss timelines and strategies for you to complete your work. If you have been sick and this has delayed you from completing assignments, please let me know sooner rather than later so that we can work with you to come up with a new plan/ timeline. I understand that illness can mess up your intended work timeline, so the more information I know, the more I can help you plan.

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