I'll post an overview schedule for the course here. Obviously, this is still in progress.
Term II - Gaming the Middle Ages
January 11, 2021
Re-Orientation and Introduction to Reacting to the Past
January 13, 2021
Introduction to the Medieval Church
January 18, 2021
Introduction to the Investiture Controversy
January 20, 2021
Game Play Begins - Pataria Mini-Game
January 25, 2021
Synod of Worms I
January 27, 2021
Synod of Woms II
February 1, 2021
Lenten Synod at Rome I
February 3, 2021
Lenten Synod at Rome II
February 8, 2021
Meeting at Trebur I
February 10, 2021
Meeting at Trebur II
February 15-19
Winter Break - No classes
February 22, 2021
February 24, 2021
Post-Game Debrief
March 1, 2021
CHOICE: Second Crusade RTTP game or Game Design Project
March 3, 2021
March 8, 2021
March 10, 2021
March 15, 2021
March 17, 2021
March 22, 2021
March 24, 2021
March 29, 2021
March 31, 2021
April 5, 2021
April 7, 2021
April 12, 2021
Term I - Quest for the Middle Ages
Prologue (weeks 1-3)
I. Orientation (September 9)
II. When is the Middle Ages? (September 14/16)
III. Where is the Middle Ages? (September 21/23)
Fundamentals (weeks 4-6)
IV. Evidence (September 28/30)
V. Research (October 5/7)
VI. Intermission (October 14)
The Rise of the Medieval (weeks 7-13)
VII. The Myth of the Dark Ages (October 19/21)
VIII. Romanticism, Gothicism and the Novelization of the Middle Ages (November 2/4)
IX. Gothic Revival Architecture as National Style (November 9/11)
X. Nationalism and Medieval Studies in the Academy (November 16/18)
XI. Nationalism and the Medieval Film (November 23/25)
XII. The Middle Ages in the Media (November 30/December 2)
XIII. The Middle Ages in Games (December 7/9)
XIIIb. The Finale (December 11)
Term II - Evidence of the Middle Ages
I. Return to the Middle Ages
Understanding Evidence
II. Art and Architecture
Read: Experiencing Medieval Art
III. Archaeology
Listen to: Robin Fleming's "Why Bones Matter"
IV. Using Manuscripts
V. Reading Medieval Scripts
VI. Marginalia
VII. Using Editions and Translations
VIII. Letters
IX. Lives
X. Laws
XI. History
XII. The Finale
Preliminary Planning Info (ignore)
Using Teams and other tools
Introduce the Academy.
logging in to cuPortfolio and putting together a profile.
i.e. Domain of one's own
(optional) You could also use HCommons if you want to take it further?
What is the Middle Ages, to you? When is the Middle Ages?
Defining our preconceptions
Defining a timeline. Defining Time.
I pre-Prepare a Timeline with major events of Global Middle Ages?
Get students to put together a timeline of key events?
Where is the Middle Ages? Understanding the idea of the Global Middle Ages
Space as a Historical concept.
Understanding Maps exercise
Nation vs. natio
Prepare StoryMap to show its versatility
Allow it to show movement (MarcoPolo?, Black Death)
Fundamentals (weeks 4-5)
What is Evidence? Primary Sources vs. Secondary Sources. What is Data?
How do we work with sources
limits on our access to sources
terminology with examples of document vs. book, novel vs. monograph, edited collection, journal (and how this impacts how you can search for things on library catalogue).
Why are footnotes important? Why Chicago style? What is an ISBN?
What is Research? How to use library and online resources.
M.R. James short story?
Louise Craven's essay "From the Archivist's Cardigan to the Very Dead Sheep"
A better way than google
a. What do librarians do?
b. How do I use online course reserves?
c. And Maybe>? How do I book a room, get a laptop, get ILL?
d. Book Arts Lab, Discovery Centre, ARC
Writing Support at Carleton - Writing labs
Medieval Evidence (weeks 6-10)
Key Themes:
How different kinds of evidence give us different (and incomplete) answers
Architecture & Art (comparative?)
Buildings are how people "see" the Middle Ages - as tourists, etc. (But also key part of the interest in medievalism/ Gothic Revival in 19th century)
Importance of architecture for setting in novel, film and video games
Discussion around Assassins Quest' Notre Dame at time of 2019? fire
understanding architectural schematics
Plan of St. Gall vs. Victorian Architectural Diagrams?
sacred space in Benedictine Monasteries and Shinto Temples?
Archaeology (Botony, Genomics & Black Death)
medieval matters podcast (Why Bones Matter)
BDeath progress.
Written Sources: Medieval Manuscripts
What are manuscripts
focus on Bible and Glossa Ordinaria to give sense of how structured, development of finding aids, punctuation (spaces between words)
collection patterns, survival rates and the such.
How to read / write MS catalogue description
Understanding the Codex
Codicology: Supports, Writing Instruments, Inks, Binding
Palaeography, Abbreviations, Punctuation
Why do typical forms of writing (scripts) appear...
link of unicode, questions marks, emoji
transcription exercise (which leads to next week)
HMML tutorials?
Using ARC/CUAG Folios...
Editions and Translations
What is an edition
What changes in a translation - compare Middle English to updated version?
Annotating edition/ translation for terminology and understanding what the parts of the apparatus are.
John Rhykenor (Karras article)
Genres (11-14)
Romance? covered during Palaeography/ Edition weeks?
Private vs. Public letters
Epistolary Rhetoric
Constable: "On Medieval Letters"
fold your own medieval envelope exercise
Saint Guinefort? Apophthegmata Patrum (to show didactic purpose in short extracts?) Liber Pontificis? Gesta Episcoporum?
Oral vs. Written Law
Canon Law (on Sex)
History: Geoffrey of Monmouth?
Cyclical nature of History
A History of History, of the Middle Ages (15-17)
Key theme: What are the rhetorical structures and argumentative uses of History
The Renaissance Creation of the Dark Ages
The Romantic Re-imaginings and Embrace of the Middle Ages
Nationalism's use of the Medieval Past
different groups of students read about German, UK and American experience (make short presentation)
Popular Representations (18-23)
The Middle Ages in Fiction
Sir Walter Scott
Ghost Stories and Antiquarianism: M.R. James
Non-Western Fantasy?
Interview of Bruce Holsinger with Michael McKeon:
The Middle Ages in Modern Architecture
Gothic Revival
The Middle Ages in Film
The MIddle Ages in Games
The Middle Ages in the news, advertising and social media
Class exercise: everyone finds a "medieval" add/ social media post
Using LexusNexus?
Finale (24)
Presentation of the Final Project?
In person activities (now not possible?)
Make INK – decipher various medieval recipes
ARC Trip – Folios and Mss
Media and Supports
Pricking and ruling
Calligraphy (x2)
Illumination (x2)
Binding (x2) Collation
Ms. description
Editions (x4)
a. Wood cuts?
b. Typeset a page of a medieval text
Last updated