Week Six will only have a single class on Wedneday (October 14th, 2020) due to Thanksgiving falling on the Monday.
We intend to use this week to catch up on topics have merit more investigation, explanation or debate, to address any issues that have arisen, and to provide help on assignments.
But the first 45 minutes of class, will be devoted to exploring the idea of "What is the point of History" drawing on the reading of Marc Block's The Historian's Craft as the focus for our discussion. We will start with you in small groups debating this general question - "Why History" and then try to relate it to studying the Middle Ages.
And we will catch up with the world of the Academy.
Finish reading Marc Bloch's The Historian's Craft.
For this week's writing assignment, write your (or your character's) justification for studying History or the Middle Ages, answering the questions "Why Study History"? You can write a reflective piece (delving into how your (or your acolyte's) background, or the experiences encourging you to study history). You may wish to think about how your motivations compare to Marc Bloch's or what Marcus Bull discusses? OR you might wish to focus on more big picture questions - thinking about what history is good for in a more philosophical sense? Or argue the opposite, that History is not a useful, practical or good use of resources!
Submit an End of Week Report on Sunday night (each week) to let me know if you have any questions and (this week) to provide a link to your cuPortfolio profile.
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