In years past, I begin the year outlining to each class the dire consequences that arise from not handing something in at the assigned time (e.g. first maledictions, then drastic cuts to marks on a per diem basis). This year, we're going to try something different. I'm going to trust you and so we're working off the honour system.
Since we're not really having marks for each assignment, I can't threaten draconian time-based cuts (nor do I want to) and generally in my experience students only rarely hand things in late and then only if necessary. Please let me know (in advance) if there are good reasons for why you can't get something in one time, and we can try to find possible solutions (see below, Extensions).
Academic Reputation
Instead we are going to establish a system of academic honour or Reputation for the first term. Everyone starts with 10 reputation points.You can gain reputation points by helping your classmates and can lose them by being late (loss of 1point for an assignment being late, more for academic integrity issues). If you fall below a 5 in reputation, you will suffer the consequences in the Academy - you will face greater difficulties in solving clues, eliciting information and trying to influence your group in the game.
Important Dates for Term I
Date due
10pm Sunday of week 2 (September 20)
10pm Sunday of week 3 (September 27)
10pm Friday of week 4 (October 2)
Each entry due 10pm the Sunday after each week of class
Generally 10am the Sunday after each week of class
As completed (optional) in first 10 weeks of class (no later than November 25th for credit)
4pm Friday of week 13 (December 11)
Extensions and Accommodations
The current university policy for asking for special extensions due to illness is available from the Registrar's office, which has a COVID-19 self-declaration form ( Students can use it to ask for deferral/extensions for term work. Students can submit this form, instead of having to get a doctor’s note.
As far as I am concerned, you do not need to give me (Marc Saurette) a doctor's note or a self-declaration form. You can just let me know if problems or illnesses have arisen and we can discuss timelines and strategies for you to complete your work. If you have been sick and this has delayed you from completing assignments, please let me know sooner rather than later so that we can work with you to come up with a new plan/ timeline. I understand that illness can mess up your intended work timeline, so the more information I know, the more I can help you plan.
Last updated
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