Game Design Project*

In the second term, we will create games of our own, intended to educate (and entertain) other History/Medieval Studies students.

Historians attempt to take very complex historical situations and view them through different interpretive lenses. They see "rules" to how history works. In creating games, we will seek to identify key defining features of the medieval past and distill them into game mechanics.

No one is expected to have any experience in game-design, but rather we will work together to accomplish our work. It is the process, far more than the product which is important for our learning. We will start our projects working with Twine, but may choose to turn our work into a different medium as we go along.

The game will have successive stages:

  1. Preparatory reading. December/January. Students will receive the Surrender of Toledo Game Manual, laying out readings and subject areas that will be the basis of the Game Design Project. Students will have access to pre-selected primary sources in translation and secondary sources that will be the historical basis of their game.

  2. Initial Brainstorming. In the first weeks of January, students be introduced to general history of medieval Iberia, basic ideas of game design and how historians fit into this process. Students will identify key ideas from their chosen modules that they wish to develop in their projects. Students will be expected to develop a basic ideas of a game, creating mindmaps, and brainstorming forking game paths.

  3. Research phase. February/ March 2024. Students will continue research into the subject area, identify possible models. Students will produce an exhaustive annotated bibliography as the basis of their developing project. Students will present on their research.

  4. Game Creation. March/April 2024. Students will work together to write a game, design accompanying artwork and produce a prototype.

  5. Game Release. April 2024. At the end of the school year, students will release a version (even if unfinished) for others to play, critique and enjoy.

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