Game Session 3: March Pact Debate

November 15th, 2023


If the gathered crusaders have agreed to attack Constantinople, before the attack they must negotiate what their rule will be like in the event of their success. The March Pact was a sort of proto-constitution for crusader rule in Constantinople, laying out new political, religious and social structures. For the first of the three debates about the pact, the topics addressed are leadership and land organization.

For background, you may wish to research the historical MARCH PACT agreed to in March, 1204.


Marquis Boniface of Montferrat

Once everyone has had a chance to add and discuss their proposals, there will be a debate on the wording of the final document, which needs the support of a majority of players, including one member of each faction.


The second major debate of the game revolves around how Crusader rule will change political life

  • Leadership: Who should be chosen to lead, and when should the choice be made? Should the Crusaders choose one of their own as the new emperor, or should they pick a Greek emperor or empress who will work with the Crusaders? They must also decide if it is better to elect an emperor before the conquest or to wait until after the city falls. Moreover, they must decide if this new emperor should have all the powers a Byzantine emperor traditionally holds, or if that power should be more limited. Or does the rule of Constantinople now fall to religious powers - making Constantinople a new theocracy just as Rome/ the Patrimony of Saint Peter is headed by bishops?

  • Land Organization: The Greeks have traditionally organized their empire into military provinces, or themes, and granted blocks of tax revenues to nobles in a system known as pronoia. This is radically different from the Western European feudal system which the crusaders are familiar with. Therefore, they must debate the relative merits of both systems and decide if the empire should be reorganized on feudal principles or maintained in its current form.

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