2a. Game User Log

For this document, post a file or a link to a file in the Student Work folder on team. Navigate to the "General" channel, click on the "files" tab in the top bar and then locate the folder. There is a subfolder inside that is labelled "Game Logs".

Create a blank document (google docs/ word etc.) and call it "YOUR NAME - My Games", "My Game Log" or "Games I have Played" or something similarly titled that works for you. You might want to add a date (January 2024) in case this is something you want to update or use to track your game play chronologically.

Start by making a list of all the games you think you have ever played. I mean ever. Like even when you were 4 years old.

  • Partly my goal in getting you to do this, is to show you that you have all played a lot of games. Nguyen ultimately sees everything as a game (anything involving winning points can be treated as a game by him - including grades in school), so make sure you have a good sense of what YOU think is a game before you get started.

For any game you have played that you think could be classed as "historical" put the name of that game in bold. For medieval, I would include the neo-medieval games (i.e. Fantasy games that are inspired by the Middle Ages) Anything from Dark Souls or Minecraft to D&D to Chess counts. Something like Steampunk themed games might be imagined as historical (Victorian?).

  1. What game genres do you like playing? (Feel free to add your own)

    • Non-digital games

      • Card games

      • Board games

      • Sports

      • Playground games

    • Digital games

      • Puzzle games

      • Adventure games

      • Role-playing games

      • Action-adventure games

      • Turn-based strategy games

      • Real-time strategy games

      • Racing games

      • Sports games

      • Casual games

      • Art games

      • Massively multiplayer online games

      • Massively multiplayer role-playing online games

      • Social games

      • First-person shooter

  2. What do you play for?

    • Problem-solving

    • Achievements

    • Socializing

    • Exploration

    • Learning

    • Finding the optimal strategy

    • Relaxation/stress management

    • Self-improvement

    • Curiosity

  3. How many hours do you play?

    • Not at all, this is homework.

    • 1–5 hours a week

    • 5–10 hours a week

    • 10–15 hours a week

    • 20+ hours

When you have made your big long list, try to see if there are commonalities. If you play a lot of digital games do they show overlapping genres (hack and slash fantasy, first person shooters, racing games, abstract spatial games etc.)? Do you play games that take intense mental concentration (puzzlers) or short games that you play on the bus....

Spend a bit of time trying to categorize your game experiences into groups. And add a short paragraph at the top of the note summarizing them. Based on your responses, write up your own profile as a player.

  • What types of games do you know best?

  • Which ones are you good at?

  • Which games do you not really play?

  • Why do you like the games you like?

You may realize that you play different genres for different reasons, so your profile may need different sections depending on the genres you play. This exercise will help you make explicit your own biases, not only about games, but also about how others may play games – if they are different from you.

Last updated