2B. Game Pitch

Due: March 7th, 2024 (by start of class)

Weight: 25% of final grade

Medium: Any (template in Obsidian)

Stream: Game Design

So, you want to design a history game?

Your goal for this stage is to create a short pitch and a supporting justification.

  • one-page (ish) overview of the game you wish to create and comparable games (500 words)

  • supporting document (~1500 words) explaining how your future game will communicate current historiography and how it relates to existing games that serve as models. This process of reflection should help you recognize the key historical idea you want the game to communicate and the mechanics you want to use (or avoid) in the game itself. You need to consider:

    • current historiography of the historical period/ topic around which you are designing a game

    • existing games that relate to this historical period/topic

  • bibliography

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