
I want students to have the freedom to pursue work which best suits their academic and professional goals. Instead of each student completing the same assignments, you can take different pathways for your independent work.

All students will complete the first assignment –an annotated bibliography– which will orient you towards your future projects. After completing your annotated bibliography, you will choose which project pathway you wish to take:

  • game analysis: this pathway is the most traditionally academic, writing a proposal and then a research paper addressing an aspect of the field set out in the proposal

  • game design: this pathway asks you to pitch and design a history game

  • game pedagogy: this pathway asks you to think about how to educate with games in the classroom or in the public history world. Students will design a new class syllabus and then a teaching aid - either recording a sample lecture or writing up a formal justification of game based learning.

By going down one of these three pathways, you will be able to explore one of the key pillars of the discipline of historical games studies. The assignments are intended to be cumulative - building on top of one another towards the end goal.

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