How to join class

Our classes are scheduled take place on Thursdays afternoons. As of December 2023, our class is located in room 436 of Paterson Hall.

We will also be using a number of online resources to help with communication, file sharing and explaining learning activities. We will use Teams as our online repository and communications hub. We will also be using Obsidian as note taker software to teach the Smartnotes system.

  1. Make sure you have activated your free Carleton Microsoft license before the first class.

  2. Install Teams on your computer and set it up. If at all possible, don't use the browser version. Teams is also transitioning between its "classic" and "updated" interfaces. I expect that this will cause some initial problems (so if you're having problems don't dispair!).

  3. Make sure you are part of the "Historical Game Studies" Team.

  4. If it doesn't pop up as an option in your Teams dashboard, click on the "Join or Create a Team" button and enter the code: p4qvoyj . This will only work if you are correctly logged in with your Carleton account. As of December 6th, I've added all enrolled students into the Teams group.

  5. Find the general channel and text "hello" to tell us you're successfully logged in.

Last updated