
This is an overview of readings. Detailed readings with complete citations and links are available on each week's dedicated page. These are accessible by clicking on the links in the schedule, in the titles on this page or by scrolling down on the left navigation bar.

January 11

  • Read the syllabus and get key digital tools installed

January 18

  • C.T. Nguyen, "Philosophy of Games"

  • C.T. Nguyen, Games: Agency as Art, chps. 1-3

  • A. Spanos, "Pregame" in Games of History: Games and Gaming as Historical Sources

  • J. Draycott, "A short introduction to women in historical and archaeological video games," in Women in Historical and Archaeological Video Games (WHAVG)

January 25

  • A. Chapman, Digital Games As History: How Videogames Represent The Past And Offer Access To Historical Practice.

  • E. Pfister and A. Görgen, How to analyse a Video game? The HGP-Method“

  • J. McCall, "The Historical Problem Space Framework: Games as a Historical Medium". (web only)

  • B. Hoy, “Cardboard Indians: Playing History in the American West”.

  • H. Nielsen, ‘Men should try playing the woman’s part to see what it feels like.

    Remember ~ it’s only a game . . .’ The representation of gendered experience in chance-based board games", in Material Games Studies: A Philosophy of Analogue Play. (pdf only)

February 1

  • K. Kee, S. Graham et al. "Towards a Theory of Good History Through Gaming"

  • R. Houghton, "Teaching the Middle Ages through Modern Games" in Teaching the Middle Ages through Modern Games.

  • N. Dahya, J. Jenson, and K. Fong, "(En)gendering videogame development: A feminist approach to gender, education, and game studies".

  • C. Konshuh and F. Klaassen, "The Renaissance Marriage Game: A Simulation for Large Classes," in Teaching the Middle Ages through Modern Games.

    • Card deck and rules

February 8

  • Mark J. P. Wolf and Bernard Perron, ed. The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies, chp. 20, "Game Design"

  • Y. Grufstedt, Shaping the Past: Counterfactual History and Game Design Practice in Digital Strategy Games, chp. 2.

  • F. Klaassen. "Game Development in a Senior Seminar" in Teaching the Middle Ages through Modern Games.

    • Virtus card deck and rules

February 15

  • M.J.P. Wolf and B. Perron, ed. The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies, chp. 7, "Preservation"

  • R. Guins, Game After : A Cultural Study of Video Game Afterlife, chp 1, "Museified"

  • A. Spanos, "Material Approaches to Games" in Games of History: Games and Gaming as Historical Sources

  • M. Swalwell, "Moving on from the original experience: Philosophies of Preservation and Dis/play in Game History" in Fans and Videogames Histories, Fandom, Archives

February 29

T.C. Hagood, C.E. Watson, and B.M. Williams, "Reacting to the Past: An Introduction to Its Scholarly Foundation" in Watson & Hagood eds. Playing to Learn with Reacting to the Past.

March 7

J.R. Schiffman, "Early Design Challenges in Developing a Reacting to the Past Game"

C.M. Kuusinen and C.E. Watson, "How to Perform Educational Research in Reacting to the Past Settings: A Primer for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" in Watson & Hagood eds. Playing to Learn with Reacting to the Past.

March 14

Readings set by student presenters

March 21

Readings set by student presenters

March 28


April 4


Last updated